You are missing it. You get exactly one chance at this life, and you are missing it. As you cross the street staring intently at your Facebook notifications yearning for a thumbs up, or better yet, a heart; you could be passing by a real live person who would gladly give their heart or at least a thumbs up. Eye contact and a smile will mean more than a snap or a poke any day.
You are missing it. Outside the leaves are falling from the trees dry and golden, or flowers bloom and turn toward the sun. Brilliant colors draw the eye, and birds glide and swoop in the sky. Every season brings change and beauty. As you search Netflix for something interesting to watch, the drama of nature unfolds unobserved.
You are missing it. Children are incredibly intelligent and creative. They grow, and learn, and do amazing things. They also look to you as an example of how to interact with others. Your distracted dismissal and insincere attention are not unnoticed. They use your habits, reactions, and attitude as a guide to evaluate the world.
You are missing it. Time speeds up and the world grows smaller with each passing year. Your opportunities fade with each “maybe tomorrow” or “I’m not ready.” Procrastination is a stealer of dreams. As you age, you become more afraid and less likely to take a risk or stray from the well-traveled path. Your potential decreases with every chance not taken.
You are missing it. Toiling every day at a job you tolerate is unfulfilling. Working for a paycheck to keep debtors at bay is spirit destroying. As your dreams and passions remain outside of your daily life, they fade and drift away until all that is left is mere existence. Your true purpose in life is to live passionately, pursuing every goal with childlike expectation.
You are missing it. Change is the parent of innovation. When you refuse to do things differently than you have done before, you eliminate the possibility of bringing new and amazing things into your life. You can’t have or be anything different if you won’t try something outside of your previous experiences.
You are missing it. Every person is unique and special. They have a story to share and qualities to enrich your life. When you exclude them because of politics, or religion, or something they entered life as; you lessen the entire human family. Your prejudices, intolerance, and hate close your eyes and block up your ears leaving you ignorant, lonely, and lost.
You are missing it. Your addictions rob you of the experience of living. Your dulled senses and preoccupation with vice subtract from the potential of your endeavors. You are excluding yourself from the ranks of the highest achievers through weakness and apathy. The trance of addiction comes in many forms and doesn’t always require a needle or a pipe or a bottle. What is receiving the majority of your time and attention?
You are missing it.
You have the opportunity to motivate and uplift, to excel and elevate. Someone needs your story, your wisdom; they need the benefit of your knowledge and experiences. You are unique and incredible. The world is waiting for your words, your art, your creation, your service. Time is sliding away from you at an ever-increasing rate, and you know not whether hours, days, or years remain. An opportunity, YOUR opportunity is at hand…don’t miss it.
Here is a brilliant book about taking massive action to maximize your opportunity (Amazon Affiliate link): The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone