The Consequences of a Negative Mindset

Consequences of a negative mindset
A negative mindset can have serious consequences

What are the consequences of a negative mindset? Everyone has those days when it seems like nothing is going right. If you let that negative attitude take over, it can have serious ramifications. In this blog post, we’re going to briefly explore some of the costs of negative thinking and how shifting to a positive mindset can change your life.

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Your Subconscious Mind Believes The Things You Say

Your subconscious mind believes the things you say.
Image by John Hain from Pixabay

We speak to ourselves constantly. Sometimes out loud, but more often, quietly in our mind. It is such a normal part of our life that we barely notice it. You should evaluate how you speak to yourself because your subconscious mind believes the things you say.

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Becoming A Person Capable Of Success

becoming a person capable of success
Becoming a person capable of success

Writing about and studying success is a part of my journey. A happy, prosperous life is something that I desire to build for myself and my family. A large part of that is becoming a person capable of success. Until I possess the necessary characteristics, my effectiveness will be limited.

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The Power of Multiplication

The power of multiplication
The power of multiplication-Image by Robert-Owen-Wahl from Pixabay

You know the power of multiplication. You know that it compounds something much faster than addition. Do you use it as a guiding principle for your efforts? If you are like most people…probably not. You add hours to your workday or week to create additional income. You add customers to increase your business. Adding when you should be multiplying is keeping you trapped and eating up your free time.

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Persistence Is Better Than Luck

Colonel Sanders persistence is better than luck
Colonel Sanders proved persistence is better than luck

Things are always hard just before they get easy. Most people give up on the things that matter right before success is achieved. Persistence is better than luck and anything worthwhile requires effort and dedication.

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Your Success Is Your Responsibility

Monkey wrench
You might be the wrench in the works!
You Might Be The Problem

Your success is not my responsibility. In fact, it’s not anyone’s responsibility except your own. Your boss is not to blame if you are living on the edge of financial catastrophe. If your parents got you into adulthood alive, then they have done their job. The president is not at fault. Neither is the economy, the left, the right, nor the third-grade teacher that kept you in at recess.

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Be True To Yourself

Wolf in sheep's clothing
Screw the herd…be true to yourself!

There are always a hundred reasons to bend, a thousand excuses to waver, waffle, or wobble. Your parents, friends, boss, or loved ones might think they know what is best for you. But, if you spend your life giving in to the will of others, it will be a miserable experience. Be true to yourself. What does this mean, and how can it help you?

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Valentine’s Day

hands forming heart
Happy Valentine’s Day!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog, (which generally occurs when I can put the donut down long enough to type), to address the Valentine’s Day emergency. Today men and women everywhere are waking up in a cold sweat with the realization that they have waited until the last possible moment to come up with the perfect gift, or perfect date, for their significant other. Actually, it’s only men…women tend to have their business in order when to comes to gifts, or even just remembering important dates. Continue reading “Valentine’s Day”

How Not To Accomplish Anything Significant

girl with laptop
How not to accomplish anything significant.

Today I thought I would share a skill that I excel at. Specifically, how not to accomplish anything significant. I possess the unique ability to be able to stay ridiculously busy without really accomplishing anything of significance. Being the swell fellow that I am, I will gladly educate those of you who are efficiently finishing projects right and left in a timely manner. Just so you know, everyone hates you. Continue reading “How Not To Accomplish Anything Significant”