
Stop Complaining Already

angry man

Stop complaining already…I’m serious. Several times a day, I have to remind my inner asshole that I am very blessed and have much to be grateful for. I often let minor irritations and my inherent impatience dictate my mood. I throw tantrums like a spoiled child and ignore all the great things occurring daily in my world. If all you see are negatives and life seems to be a series of disasters, you might need to check your own outlook. Continue reading “Stop Complaining Already”

Stop the Ridiculousness

shoes hanging from wire


When you open your closet door, how many pairs of shoes do you see? How many of them do you wear? This is one small example of the ridiculousness that plagues many of us. It’s not just clothes we don’t wear, it’s kitchen appliances we don’t use, expired prescriptions, unfinished projects, clutter and “stuff” stacked on shelves and in corners. These things rob us of space and time and wear at the edges of our sanity. It’s time to simplify things. Continue reading “Stop the Ridiculousness”

Think Before You Speak

Girl with big mouth

It is important to think before you speak. We often say things that we later regret. Hurtful, insensitive words launch themselves into our conversations from our fabulously flapping gums. It can be an angry response, an attempt to be funny, or just blatant disregard for another person’s feelings. Damaging words, once spoken, are impossible to take back. They will never be forgotten by the offended party and often fester in the mind. Continue reading “Think Before You Speak”

Is A Scarcity Mindset Making You Suck Eggs?


If your first thought is what the hell does it mean to suck eggs, you are avoiding the real issue. What is the scarcity mindset? It is the belief that there will never be enough. Never enough money, never enough love, never enough time, never enough green gummy bears…never enough of anything you need or desire. Therefore, your outlook on life is from a position of lack and despair.  It is also the belief that life is a zero-sum game; If there are winners, then there have to be losers. Continue reading “Is A Scarcity Mindset Making You Suck Eggs?”

Meditation Makes You Sexy!

Possibly you have heard of the value of meditation. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, enhances sexual desire…wait the last might be something else I’m using. The point is, meditation can improve your health and well-being in a number of ways. It doesn’t have to be all new age and weird… but it can be if that appeals to you. I’ll give you a quick run down on a few simple ways to meditate, and why you should. Continue reading “Meditation Makes You Sexy!”

Some Thoughts On Happiness


Happiness is an elusive thing that remains out of reach for many of us. We look outward for someone or thing to provide the missing piece in our lives. “If only I had more money… I would be happy” or “If I was in a relationship, then I would be happy”. The reality is that true happiness comes from within, and because of the negative nature of our world, it takes constant effort to maintain. Here are some simple practices to improve your outlook, and it begins by saying “I am happy!” Continue reading “Some Thoughts On Happiness”

How To Survive In A Bleeping Relationship

Coexisting with another human being is not an easy thing. A relationship consists of two (usually two) persons with very different backgrounds. We have our own knowledge, opinions, and experiences. We talk, think, and act in a certain way influenced by the things we have done and learned, and we expect those closest to us to automatically understand. Most of the time, however, they are thinking “who the bleep is this alien, and what did I get my-bleeping-self into?” There is an awful lot of bleeping in most relationships. Continue reading “How To Survive In A Bleeping Relationship”

Don’t Ignore the Voices In Your Head

I often watch with rapt attention at the poor decision-making that occurs in horror movies. It gives me a sort of gruesome satisfaction to see arrogant jerks and mean maidens make awful choices that impact their ultimate survival. They enter creepy basements, caves, vans with no windows, and dangerous water; all while ignoring blatant clues and ominous foreshadowing. It makes me wonder if they are intentionally disregarding the little voices inside their heads. Continue reading “Don’t Ignore the Voices In Your Head”

10 Keys To An Average Life

Let’s face it, being exceptional is not for everyone. Most of us do not have the drive, desire, or capabilities required to stand out in a crowd. Success is an elusive, perplexing concept that remains out of reach like the will-o’-the-wisp of folklore. As someone who excels at mediocrity, I am here to help you set your sights lower, think smaller, and lean neither out nor in…but against a wall. Here are the 10 keys to an average life (the list should be longer, but procrastination and apathy set the word count): Continue reading “10 Keys To An Average Life”

Signs You Might Be A Pessimist (and why it’s not such a bad thing…mostly)


A pessimist is someone who sees the negative aspect of things or believes that the worst will happen in a given situation. They are constantly looking for the detrimental scenarios and manage to find them most of the time. People who are naturally optimistic tend to make them uncomfortable or irritated. Does this sound like you? Read on to discover if you are indeed a pessimist and why it might not be such a bad thing…mostly. Continue reading “Signs You Might Be A Pessimist (and why it’s not such a bad thing…mostly)”