Define what you do want. This might seem really obvious, but most people never do it, or they only do it in certain areas of their life. You are much more likely to focus on what you don’t want. The problem with that is, you bring into existence the things that you give the most attention to.
When you fail to identify the outcomes you desire, you are guided by influences outside of your control. People often fall into jobs and relationships that do not make them happy. Either, they didn’t know what they really wanted, or they did not act with intent. Examine your current situation and determine what aspects you consciously chose, and which just “seemed to happen.”
Everyone is subject to influence.
Influence of family and friends. Influence of the media we consume, as well as influences from culture, religion, and dozens of other sources. By failing to define what you do want, you may be influenced in ways contrary to your desires.
Take the time, soon, to sit down and write out EXACTLY what you want. Leave nothing to chance. Define your ideal outcome in every facet of your life. If you don’t have a clue, it’s time to start researching and meditating. You will never arrive if you don’t have a clear destination.
Don’t make the mistake of assuming you can’t do or accomplish something. This exercise is not about your education, your experience, or your current capabilities. It is about defining what you truly want; a starting point. It will become clear what steps have to be taken when you reverse engineer from the journey’s end.
Set aside all of your limiting beliefs and expand your mind.
Accept that from this point forward, anything is possible…and it really is. All that is required is your conviction. Pursue your wants until you unearth your deepest desires. At first, you will come up with some superficial and material things. That is fine, but they will not give you a sense of purpose. They won’t motivate you to stretch yourself. Find the meaningful aspirations that make you breathe heavy and tingle a little.
As you write out the elements of your ideal life, engage in visualization. Can you create a mental image of yourself starring in the outcomes you imagined? You must have a picture of yourself that is different than you are now if you want to become someone different than you are now. You have the power to bring about anything that you can see in your mind’s eye and fervently believe.
Become the master of your life.
Set the course for your future and leave nothing to chance. Stop focusing on what you do not want and define what you do want. Live a life of intention and create the reality that you most desire.
Here is an Amazon affiliate link for a fascinating look at suggestibility and the power of the mind: Suggestible You by Erik Vance