I challenge you to be unsatisfied.
Unsatisfied, meaning you do not get enough, or what you want. You don’t have to accept your life or situation, ever. It is ok to want to be and have more. People will tell you that you should be content with where you are. I disagree. I think you should be grateful for what you have and constantly be seeking improvement. If each of us were ceaselessly trying to better ourselves and the world we live in, a lot of social problems would vanish.
When you start from a position of gratitude, you see every opportunity as a blessing; a way to add value to your life and the lives of others. It should never be about taking away from another or reducing what they have in any way. Every social and business transaction should be an exchange of value. If you always try to give or produce more than you receive, you will never lack for work, money, friends, or opportunities.
Too often, we dwell on “what’s in it for me?” While we do need to protect ourselves from users and manipulators, our focus should be on delivering our best effort and constant improvement; of ourselves and all of the activities we engage in. If we do this, not only do we derive extreme satisfaction, but will ultimately benefit financially and with increased opportunities.
Don’t confuse being unsatisfied with being unhappy, or unfulfilled.
Every day, it is essential to survey your current achievements and acknowledge them as your definition of success. Then, ask yourself “how can I grow from here?” This will make it possible to simultaneously be content with where you are AND expect better in the future. It becomes an exciting challenge to seek and cultivate constant improvement in every aspect of your life and the lives you touch.
You might say you like your life just the way it is, and you should, but what if you were continually seeking incremental improvement? What if you were able to become more efficient and free up some of your time? What if you were able to increase your income by learning a few new skills? Or improve your relationships by reading and experimenting? The point is: you don’t know what you don’t know…until you learn it. You can’t know how amazing your life can really be…until you are striving for it.
Always be content, but NEVER BE SATISFIED.
It is easy to reside in a routine because it is comfortable and familiar, but if you pull yourself out of the rut, you will be amazed by the possibilities. I challenge you to release the fear, hold on to gratitude, and reach for the possibilities. Always be content, but NEVER BE SATISFIED.
Here are a few amazing books to get you started: Awaken the Giant Within, The One Thing, and The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. (These are Amazon affiliate links.)
Matt, I have always , since the moment I met you enjoyed your spirit and perspective.
Its a privilege to have known and know you.
Thank you so much. I’m glad you are doing well, but miss seeing you around here!