Possibly you have heard of the value of meditation. It reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, enhances sexual desire…wait the last might be something else I’m using. The point is, meditation can improve your health and well-being in a number of ways. It doesn’t have to be all new age and weird… but it can be if that appeals to you. I’ll give you a quick run down on a few simple ways to meditate, and why you should.
Most people, when you mention meditation, get a pained look on their faces. They picture a room full of bald old men in flowing robes chanting “ommmmmm.” That is meditation, but it can also be done many other ways. The simplest meditation is just taking a moment in your hectic life to “watch” your breathing.
Meditation is a great way to alter your mood quickly and shed stress and anxiety. It can be done standing, sitting, or lying down wherever you are. It doesn’t matter if there are other people present and quiet is not necessary. Simply close your eyes, breathe in and breathe out. Concentrate on feeling your stomach expand on inhalation and contract on exhalation. Keep extraneous thoughts at bay by saying “in” when you inhale and “out” when you exhale. This is done under your breath or in your mind to keep your focus on your breathing.
The idea of this simple meditation is to keep your attention in the moment, forgetting all outside responsibilities and influences. When random thoughts creep in, simply return to watching your breathing. In as little as 30 seconds, you can shed anxiety or nervousness. It is a great way to prepare for a difficult task or recover from a stressful experience. Closing your eyes will help isolate you from your surroundings, but it is not necessary. To increase the effectiveness of this meditation, try adding a pause after each inhalation and exhalation. Include the word pause in your mental dialogue. “Inhale…pause…exhale…pause,” or “in…pause…out…pause.” You get the idea.
Another way to practice mindfulness in a very simple way is coloring. This is not traditional meditation per se, but it provides similar benefits. It allows you to focus your attention on a color or picture and let everything else fade away. It can help spark creativity and unleash your subconscious mind. Again, if your mind begins to drift, bring it back to the coloring. The human mind is an amazing thing, but it wants to be busy processing information and answering questions. It takes practice to quiet the persistent inner voice. At first, it may seem difficult to concentrate on one specific thing without letting your mind wander. The more you meditate, the easier it becomes.
One more simple application is walking meditation. This adds the value of exercise to the mental and emotional benefits, plus the bonus of being outside in nature. You can focus on your breathing, on your footsteps, or on a specific phrase to keep yourself in the moment. Try to concentrate on every aspect of your stride. Lifting your leg and moving it forward, setting your foot down and putting weight on it from the heel to the toe. It may seem awkward or distracting at first, but it will become easier with practice. If you trip and fall, experience the sensation of your body striking the road surface, and the gravel embedding in your flesh; the trickle of blood against your skin. If your mind wanders, you are a tough son-of-a-bitch.
There are still many more ways to meditate or practice mindfulness. There are apps for your phone, guided meditations, subliminal or hypnotic recordings…you get the idea. For a comprehensive list of research on the benefits of meditation, check out this article. I have discussed how meditation can be calming, reducing stress and anxiety, but it can do much more. With practice, you can learn to control your moods and basic physiological characteristics. You can lower pulse and reduce blood pressure, alleviate anger and sadness, and yes…enhance sexual desire. BOOYAH!