Things are always hard just before they get easy. Most people give up on the things that matter right before success is achieved. Persistence is better than luck and anything worthwhile requires effort and dedication.
One famous example of persistence is that of Harland Sanders, also known as Colonel Sanders. He is celebrated worldwide for his Kentucky Fried Chicken, but his story might surprise you. Late in life, around the age of 65, Sanders developed a special recipe and fast method of pressure cooking chicken. Believing that he had something of value, he set out to sell his system to restaurants.
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The first restaurant owner he approached wasn’t interested. Neither was the next. Nor were hundreds after that. Colonel Sanders traveled and personally demonstrated his secret recipe and pressure cooker to over a thousand restaurants before he made a sale. Can you imagine the strength of will needed to persist day after day without any positive proof of your efforts? There was no luck there.
If he had quit after the 10th rejection or the 50th no-thank-you, KFC would not exist. There are over 22,000 locations serving the Colonel’s secret blend of herbs and spices in 141 countries. He is still a highly recognized symbol with his white suit and black string bow tie. That didn’t happen by chance. He wasn’t just in the right place at the right time. He pounded the pavement and knocked on doors and created the right place and the right time.
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History is full of similar examples of tenacity in the face of failure and adversity to achieve something great. Look at the stories of Walt Disney, J.C. Penney, Abraham Lincoln, and the Wright Brothers; just to name a few. Often those that ultimately reach the highest levels of accomplishment have spent years failing into greatness. Overnight success is a myth. It is the tip of an iceberg with much of the effort and foundation out of sight.
Persistence is better than luck; it is making your own luck. It may not come naturally to you but it can be learned and strengthened. Immerse yourself in the history and stories of successful people and companies. If someone has succeeded in the path you wish to follow, there is a blueprint. If you are doing something no one has done, believe in yourself and commit to perpetual persistence. It will be hard, but eventually, it will become easy.
An amazing book about persistence is Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth. Get it here(Amazon affiliate link.)
What a great value! Should be taught in every school around the world! Thanks Matt!!
Thanks so much! If more people had the tenacity that you do, this world would be incredible!