Stop complaining already…I’m serious. Several times a day, I have to remind my inner asshole that I am very blessed and have much to be grateful for. I often let minor irritations and my inherent impatience dictate my mood. I throw tantrums like a spoiled child and ignore all the great things occurring daily in my world. If all you see are negatives and life seems to be a series of disasters, you might need to check your own outlook.
You get from life exactly what you request from it, and we make our demands by what we focus on. There are great things happening all around, pull your head out of your derriere and observe. If you spend your time agonizing over things that do not matter, you are missing the truly fabulous things that happen constantly. People are amazing…this world is amazing.
I am unsure if it is human nature to be negatively focused, or if it is a habit that has been cultivated by technology and events. We scream and wail, quite energetically, when a tragic or disturbing incident takes place. We rarely notice acts of kindness or beauty. It seems that misery wants to be shared and spread like a virus. Is this true for you? What kind of messages do you share?
I must remind myself that each day, each moment, is a gift. The wealth that I possess is measured in health, love, and friendship. When I begin to obsess about what I do not have, it is because I have forgotten gratitude. What I have is far more important than what I lack. It is essential to take time every day express appreciation, to catalog the abundance in your life. No matter your situation, there are things to be grateful for. Be happy with where you are first, then seek to grow and improve.
It is easy to get caught up in a negative cycle, especially if you are surrounded by shitty people. By shitty people, I mean ones that try to drag you into their miserable drama. Let’s face it, some people…many people…want to find fault and complain. They place all responsibility for what is wrong in their life on external factors. They are blame-placers. Instead of discovering what they could do to improve their situation, they point fingers.
I challenge you to point your finger at yourself, stop complaining, and be thankful for the abundance you possess. It merely takes a change in perspective to gain a happy, successful life.
It would serve us all well to do personal inventory daily and thank God for all we have. So many have become self serving and the youth today just scares me with their negativity, but nothing positive comes from music, gaming, just hanging around. They need to be reached to help develop how to serve others with no reward. Just a thought! Have a blessed day!