Happiness is an elusive thing that remains out of reach for many of us. We look outward for someone or thing to provide the missing piece in our lives. “If only I had more money… I would be happy” or “If I was in a relationship, then I would be happy”. The reality is that true happiness comes from within, and because of the negative nature of our world, it takes constant effort to maintain. Here are some simple practices to improve your outlook, and it begins by saying “I am happy!” Continue reading “Some Thoughts On Happiness”
Tag: happiness
The Habits of Success Immersion

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle
To make a significant change in our lives, we have to address the foundation of our personality, which is our daily habits. To create a successful life, we have to adopt the habits of success and repeat them over and over until they become second nature, a part of us. The mechanics of becoming an expert in anything are simple: persistently practice the things that are hard until they become easy, then you will be a master. If you then teach the things you have mastered to another, your understanding and skill level will increase exponentially. Continue reading “The Habits of Success Immersion”