Ready-Or-Not, Set, GO!

runner clip art
Ready-Or-Not, Set, GO!
I have had some successes in my life,

and I have had some spectacular failures…but all of my experiences have brought me to this point in my development. I have learned to stop rehashing the past, regretting poor decisions, and wishing I could have taken another path. Instead, I try to focus on the experience I gained and the lessons that I learned. Continue reading “Ready-Or-Not, Set, GO!”

You Will Die Tomorrow


You will die tomorrow. What if that were true…and how do you know it’s not? A twinkie could get stuck in your airhole as you are racing down the stairs in a parking garage, late for work. You claw at your throat desperately trying to dislodge the golden sponge cake and cream flavored filling. Continue reading “You Will Die Tomorrow”