You know the power of multiplication. You know that it compounds something much faster than addition. Do you use it as a guiding principle for your efforts? If you are like most people…probably not. You add hours to your workday or week to create additional income. You add customers to increase your business. Adding when you should be multiplying is keeping you trapped and eating up your free time.
Would you rather have 100% of your own efforts or 10% of the efforts of 100 people? Hopefully, the answer is obvious. There are many ways to compound your efforts, your time, and your financial power. If you start applying multiplication to every area of your life, you can experience exponential gains in production, income, success, time freedom, and happiness.
The first, most powerful form of multiplication is delegation. It is also the simplest. To free up your time for more important pursuits delegate less important tasks to others you have trained. In this way, you are multiplying yourself. You can hire and train others to do work you previously did yourself. This is done on a company-wide scale through franchising.
Taking the law of multiplication one step further is teaching those that you hire to train and hire others. This is the power of network marketing. Introducing people to a product and training system can create exponential income far greater than a person can achieve through their own effort. Using the reach of the internet can compound your results even further.
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Another way to use multiplication to your advantage is through self-education. By learning marketing and sales techniques you can compound your income through multiple streams of revenue. Rather than having just one job or skillset, you can develop expertise that is useful for multiple endeavors.
An example would be learning how to create landing pages and funnels. These could then be used for your current business, developing an email list for affiliate marketing, or attracting readers for a blog. The uses for such skills are virtually unlimited. Once such things are in place they can often be used for multiple businesses. The internet abounds with opportunities and more are being imagined every day.
You can also use the power of multiplication to compound the money you already earn. Anyone can learn these techniques and many can be done right from your phone. I won’t get into the details of specific investing examples, but here are a few ideas:
Spend money on yourself to increase your value. This might mean education, coaching, or a professional wardrobe. Buying tools or equipment can increase efficiency and production in your work. An investment in yourself can definitely compound your earning power.
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Use real estate to compound the earning potential of your money. Not only are there great tax advantages (that allow your money to go farther), you can use leverage to increase the capability of your money. Real Estate has historically been the single best way to generate wealth and income. Real Estate Investment Trusts and Exchange Traded Funds make it easier than ever to get involved.
You can also use social media to compound your reach and exposure. Whether you own a traditional business or do business online, social media can multiply your efforts many times. Billions of people worldwide have access to the internet and possibly your product or service. If you don’t yet have a product or service online…maybe it’s time to get one…or 100! The world has never been smaller, or more accessible. Leverage the power of platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Amazon, Pinterest, and Etsy.
This has just been a brief overview of the power of multiplication. With a little bit of study and imagination, you can apply compounding to every area of your life. Start enjoying increased time and financial freedom. Experience exponential joy and happiness. These things are within your grasp. Stop adding and start multiplying!
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You can learn more about the power of multiplication, leveraging your time and money, and entrepreneurship. Here is a fantastic book that I love: The $100 Startup; Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future by Chris Guillebeau. (Amazon affiliate link.)