Fair question. Success Immersion is the process of submerging yourself in the study and practice of everything that will lead to your accomplishing the goals you have, or will set, for your life. It can include any media or experience that will educate, motivate or inspire you to become exceptional at your chosen activity. This may sound a bit vague and generalized, but only because it is a broad subject that potentially encompasses the infinite possibilities that this existence offers. Success Immersion is also about me changing my life, educating my children, and helping others to do the same.
What is success?
Most people instantly think money when they hear the term success, and that is often a part of being truly successful, but it is not the biggest part or even the most important part. Success is defined as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose; the attainment of popularity or profit; a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity. That being said, every individual will have their own interpretation of what success means to them based on their values and life experience, and it is often an evolving definition. No one can tell you if you have achieved the success in your life that you have envisioned and desire. You alone can make that determination.
Success for me is a balance of fulfillment, happiness, purpose, and security. I am striving for fulfillment in my personal and business lives, happiness with myself and in my relationships, purpose for my time on this earth, and security through financial independence. I believe, for myself personally, that I will always be working toward success. I see it as more of a journey than a destination with many sights and waypoints along the path.
What does it involve?
There are three basic things that need to happen in order to adopt a success lifestyle. First, you must recognize the fact that a change needs to occur. It may manifest itself as feelings of being stuck or unhappy in your work and relationships. An event may take place in your life that makes you question your values and direction, like the loss of employment or a loved one. It may be like waking up from a deep sleep and realizing that your perspective has dramatically shifted, or it may happen slowly over time.
Once recognition has occurred and you have a desire to change, you must then make the decision to change. It is not enough to wish or hope, you must make a conscious promise to yourself to change your situation. This decision must be a commitment from you; there must be no other acceptable option in your mind. It can be directed at a single habit like smoking, or it can be for a complete personality and lifestyle makeover, but you must have the conviction that the change will happen.
Once you have recognized the need for a change and made the decision to change, It is time to take action. A commitment without action is still just a dream and will never become a reality. Making real efforts in the direction you want to go will give you confidence and motivate you to further action. In the beginning, you often do not know everything that you don’t know, so education and goal setting are the top priority. Even if you are unsure of the final destination for your journey, identify the first step and take it. Read a book, research online, change your daily habits; these are all examples of action you can take immediately upon making the decision to change.
Where do we go from here?
That is entirely up to you. You are the master of your life; you are responsible for every outcome that you experience. Your parents are not to blame, the economy is not at fault, neither is your education or lack thereof, your income level, your appearance, or your physical capability. There have been countless success stories from people with similar situations and circumstances as yourself. Recognize, decide, and take immediate action. You have 100% of the responsibility for the outcome of your life…stop making excuses and learn to THINK BIGGER!