You Might Be The Problem
Your success is not my responsibility. In fact, it’s not anyone’s responsibility except your own. Your boss is not to blame if you are living on the edge of financial catastrophe. If your parents got you into adulthood alive, then they have done their job. The president is not at fault. Neither is the economy, the left, the right, nor the third-grade teacher that kept you in at recess.
The fastest way to fail at anything is to engage in blaming, excuses, or denial. As painful as it may be to admit…you are the biggest obstacle to your own success. It might be from learned behavior or bad experiences in your life, but you are the probably the asshole that is throwing the wrench into the works!
We, humans, are driven more by fear of loss than by the promise of reward. You can likely think of a hundred ways that something won’t work and not one way that it will be wildly successful. Just knowing your own predispositions is the best defense against them.
If you are naturally negatively predisposed…and it’s a good possibility, it will take a little work to get out of your own way. It’s hard to admit when we aren’t doing what is necessary to achieve our desired results. However, you are responsible for your success, and I am responsible for my success. No one is going to make it happen for you.
Get my book: I Dare You to Succeed by Matt LaMont
What The Hell Do You Do?
First of all, suck it up and acknowledge that weak people look for reasons outside of themselves when shit goes South. The good thing about weak people, however, is that they can learn to become strong. Start flexing your culpability muscles and decide that your success is your responsibility. Make it your mantra when things aren’t exactly going your way. It will give you a new perspective and force you to adapt and overcome.
Don’t give away all of your power to other people and situations beyond your control. Decide to be the author of your story. Your life will begin to take the shape you envision for it. You are only able to do this if you accept complete responsibility for everything that occurs in your life and your reaction to it. Every excuse you dream up, and every person that you blame for something in your life erodes your control just a little bit.
Reading back through this post, I discovered a bit of profanity sprinkled throughout like dog turds on the living room carpet. I could blame the influence of foul-mouthed coworkers on my sub-conscience, or the fact that my wife swears like a sailor, but I choose to accept responsibility. It’s the way that I talk, so it’s the way that I write. I’m leaving the dog turds on the carpet…and we are expecting company.
I want to share a timeless book that had a huge impact on me when I read it. The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be by Jack Canfield (Amazon affiliate link.) I have since read or listened to the book several times and recommend it if you’re interested in improving the quality of your life and relationships.